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John Hughes

John is a self-taught WordPress designer and developer. He has been working with the CMS for over a decade, and has experience operating as a freelancer and as part of an agency. He’s dabbled in everything from accessible design to website security. Plus, he has extensive knowledge of online business topics like affiliate marketing.

5 Tips to Quickly Build Your Email List

Looking for some advice on how to build your email list?

Smart blogger you are.

Many bloggers don’t dedicate nearly enough time to building an email list. That means they’re missing out on a lot of key opportunities.

There are a nearly endless number of ways you can leverage your email list to make improvements to your blog. You can attract new readers, encourage more engagement from your existing audience, and build a stronger overall community.

In this post, we’ll go over the most efficient ways you can build your email list and ensure that you’re reaching everyone you should be. Let’s jump right in!

Read More …5 Tips to Quickly Build Your Email List

SEO Copywriting: 6 Tips for Better Content and Rankings

Looking to level up your SEO copywriting skills?

That’s a smart move.

Ranking well in search engines like Google is essential if you want your blog to be successful. After all, if people can’t find your site, they can’t read your content or buy your products.

One of the most important aspects of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is copywriting – the art and science of writing web content that is both effective and optimized for search engines. SEO copywriting is not about tricks or gimmicks; it’s about creating useful, compelling content that helps your target readers find your blog.

In this article, we’ll share six tips for creating better content that will help you rank higher in search results.

Let’s get started!

Read More …SEO Copywriting: 6 Tips for Better Content and Rankings

The Anatomy of an Effective Mobile Content Marketing Strategy for 2022

If you’re publishing content in 2022, you need to do so from a mobile-first perspective. For years now, mobile users have surpassed other types of visitors in just about every area. That means you need an effective mobile content marketing strategy if you want to compete.

Read More …The Anatomy of an Effective Mobile Content Marketing Strategy for 2022